More than1,400 Students & Teachers were Screened & Provided Spectacles under ‘Nazar 2020’ Program
To ensure uninterrupted learning in a child’s education through Improved Vision
School Health Program is one of the key component of HDF Education and Literacy flagship program. To ensure uninterrupted learning in a child’s education, HDF has initiated an eye sight screening program in schools aptly titled NAZAR 2020 in collaboration with philanthropist, Mr. Saqlain Khan of Illinois, USA. HDF partnered with Pakistan Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences (PIRS), a HEC (Higher Education Commission) recognized degree awarding institute for successful implementation and sustainable growth of Nazar 2020 program. This initiative aims to promote a quality learning experience in school going children through improved vision by regular check-ups and screening of the students and teachers’ eyesight on annual basis. Under this program, HDF plans to serve HDF’s own operated schools, and 12 selected schools and colleges of Federal Directorate of Education (FDE). Under first phase of NAZAR 2020, 1,452 students and teachers from 4 FDE schools in suburbs of Islamabad located in Chirrah, Kirpa, Thanapani and Rawal Town were screened for eye-related issues. Teams from PIRS and HDF screened students for uncorrected refractive errors (RE) and other eye-related issues, the students diagnosed with RE were provided with spectacles and the ones requiring further treatment were referred to eye specialists.